Monday, January 31, 2011

Introduction LIBR 246

Hello everyone, my name is Eric Beckrest and I'm in my third year at SJSU. I received my Bachelor's from Ohio State and decided to take my education further. I was originally going to go to campus but decided to stay in San Diego and pursue it online. The first semester definitely was challenging. I had know idea what I was doing. Furthermore, I was out of school for three years and wasn't used to the daily grind. But as I progressed, I was able to find my bearings.

Because of the online environment, I started to take a shine to everything web 2.0. I'm interested in designing sites and coding sites that make the user get the information they want quick and easy. I personally feel that the field is moving more digital because users are.

I'm hoping this class will get me better grounded in the online environment. I try to keep up with social media, but that is a task in it of itself, it's constantly moving and changing.